Adam Mason

Adam, our resident poker guru, has extensive knowledge on both sides of the table. When he’s not playing on US poker sites, you will find him busy revising strategies to give him an edge over his opponents. He is also a firm believer that poker allows individuals to grow intellectually. And so, he has decided to put a significant effort in helping others catch themselves up and meet the highest standards of poker. A bit of a dab hand himself, Adam is active in several real money cardrooms, which he frequents not only for the sake of a review but also to test strategies.

Author Archives for Adam Mason

How to Play Indian Poker: The Definitive Guide

How to Play Indian Poker: The Definitive Guide

Even though it is typically not played at most casinos, Indian Poker is one of the most fun poker games to play. Also referred to as Blind Man’s Bluff or Squaw poker, this game is an extremely simple yet pretty unconventional version of poker. These are why it is considered such a popular game among […]

Poker Chip Values | Your Definitive Guide

Poker Chip Values | Your Definitive Guide

Whether you are enjoying some poker action on the floors of a brick-and-mortar casino or even at home, one of the things that will be at your table are poker chips. Poker chips and the corresponding poker chip values are often taken for granted. Still, they are pretty important not just because they eliminate the […]

The Best Online Poker Memes on Reddit

The Best Online Poker Memes on Reddit

There are lots of funny poker memes floating around online, and if you are looking to have a good laugh, we will list some of the best ones out there currently. The best online poker meme is all about your sense of humor though – we, on the other hand, had a hard a bit […]

How to Set up Home Poker Games | A Complete Guide

How to Set up Home Poker Games | A Complete Guide

Poker is one of the most popular social games in existence, and lots of people love it for that reason. Playing poker at a casino is fun, but are you interested in setting up your own home poker games that you can play with your friends and family? This article is all about giving you […]

Is Poker a Sport?

Is Poker a Sport?

The cultural significance of poker makes it stand out as a form of entertainment, a skill development endeavor, or a competitive undertaking. As far as casino games are concerned, it is one of the most popular ones on the planet. It is safe to say that it is also one of the most popular games […]

Los Angeles Poker Rooms

Los Angeles Poker Rooms

Los Angeles, California is one of the most popular cities in the United States, and one of the things that have made it such a big deal is the fact that it is one of the most exciting tourist destinations on the planet. From museums to restaurants, beaches, and even casinos, the city has everything […]

Poker Table Positions

Poker Table Positions

Poker table positions are a very important aspect of the game and it is therefore very important to fully understand them. The simplest definition for positions would be that they are the various seats that poker players occupy at the tables. This is usually in relation to the dealer. All of these seats have different […]

How Do Casinos Make Money on Poker?

How Do Casinos Make Money on Poker?

Poker rooms, regardless of whether online or land-based, are some of the most lucrative businesses in the gambling sector. In fact, poker enterprises can be described as money-making ventures that attract millions of customers from all around the globe. However, it is safe to say that even though poker is the most popular casino game, […]

What is the ‘Under the Gun’ Poker Position?

What is the ‘Under the Gun’ Poker Position?

The under the gun poker position is one that is located directly to the left of the player in the Big Blind. Even for newbies, the under the gun meaning, UTG is a pretty basic concept since it refers to the first player to act in a hand pre-flop. It is usually a very disadvantageous […]