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The 2018 Poker Masters tournament is raging on and as it does, there are quite a few names to notice forging ahead along with the names of those who were expected to make the cut but didn’t. Well, Ali Imsirovic did in fact bust 13th in the race, but quite a few notable players are carrying on.

Four Names to Challenge the Poker Masters’ Finals

Four names are now on the short list to make a big splash and bag the big money at the Poker Masters $100,000 Main Event. And what a race it has been! Smith, Peters, Kenny, and Aldemir are all happy to be exactly where they want to.

Players from the United States dominated the event quite unapologetically. David Peters started off as the uncontested leader and he did enjoy himself for a fair while before his countryman, Dan Smith, managed to pull off quite the surprising turn-around, managing to multiply his own stack ten times! Quite the impressive number and all of it in decent time, too!

The final day will not see just Peters and Smith though. Peters has been piling quite a bit of winnings from tournaments, too! Quite to the contrary, Koray Aldemir and Bryn Kenney are also on the final table and they are every bit as determined to tackle the competition and simply leave their mark on the 2018 Poker Masters.

Looking at the players and their chips right now, we have the following standings:

  • Dan Smith – 2,030,000
  • David Peters – 2,203,000
  • Bryn Kenney – 227,000
  • Koray Aldemir – 541,000

Bitter Disappointment During Day 1

There were also quite a few players not to make the cut which was in itself a bit of a disappointment. Stephen Chidwick was one of the professionals to drop out of the race, and we have already talked about Ali Imsirovic. However, Imsirovic was tossed out of the game later, finishing in 13th spot.

Another notable name was that of Haxton who distinguished himself at the festival, but couldn’t quite make the cut in the Main Event. Despite Imsirovic’s loss, though, he got the title of the “player of the series”, resulting from his back-to-back victories in both the Event #5 $25,000 No-Limit Hold’em and the subsequent Event #6 $50,000 No-Limit Hold’em. It’s been a most eventful game indeed, and there is a lot more to be seen in the upcoming action.

Poker Masters – A Desired Event

Poker Masters has been one of the most-coveted events. It certainly doesn’t enjoy the dimensions of WSOP, but it doesn’t have to. Its exclusivity is its main asset and a fair bit of people have been trying to don the Purple Jacket. A notable and rather tangible asset that confers bragging rights on its wearer, but also gives the added benefit of bringing it home with a significant prize money attached to it.

As we have pointed out on multiple occasion, Poker Masters and similar events offer chance to little-known names to distinguish themselves in the crowd. It’s indeed a bit of a moveable feast, but one that provides promising players with plenty of opportunity!