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Remember Phil Galfond’s ambitions to stream? Broadcasting live poker is not all that strange, come to think of it. In fact, it’s rather easy to understand why content is becoming king in the poker industry. We ourselves can think of a few reasons.

The sport is growing in popularity. Is it wrong to call it a sport? I don’t think so. Nor should you. Poker has a steep learning curve and requires hours of practice to make sure that you are even close to a middling novice. And that’s a challenge in its own right.

Phil Galfond and Run it Once

Phil Galfond has felt the need for an entertainment value high-quality streams for poker. For better or for worse, people just love to watch. Not to mention that the practical tips imparted by someone of the stature of Mr. Galfond are quite well-received and appreciated.

So, Phil Galfond will have you become an advisor. The website has been struggling with some of the technical aspects and Mr. Galfond himself hasn’t been sure about a number of things. One of the discussed issues at hand is table caps.

So, can you help?

Now, Mr. Galfond feels that whilst no-table limit could be a good thing, he’s not certain how useful it is to novices, and even pros. One simply cannot play at above-a-given number of tables and expect good returns. Still, Mr. Galfond is deliberating between four and sixtotal tables.

In an official statement, he has managed to elaborate on his concerns and shed light on why he takes so long to decide on table limits:

[blockquote]The primary purpose of a table cap is to improve average game quality. More often than not, those who play 8-24 tables are professionals, and those who play one table are more likely non-pros, which means that the ratio of pros to recreational players at each table is much greater than the ratio of pro to recreational active accounts.[/blockquote]

Run It Once – Not a Dozen Times

Mr. Galfond is split. He wants to run the poker website and make it a hotspot for recreational players who love to watch content, but also like to learn a few tricks. Then again, funding a project without wrecking having to his own personal finances could prove a tall order for Mr. Galfond.

The reason being that when the website doesn’t offer hefty games, then players don’t stake much and the website cannot fund its operations let alone make profit. However, inviting more players would mean an influx of poker bots which are hunting profit off lowbies.

This could be dangerous, especially when Mr. Galfond is trying to create a kickback community where everyone can learn something about the game and practice in a safe environment.

The safety at online poker websites should be guaranteed and promised. Mr. Galfond is well aware of this but investing in sophisticated software to safeguard the website from the bots which otherwise wouldn’t come is unreasonable. Also, it’s not really in line with his plan for the project. As he debates which course of action is best, we await to see what will become of his project.